Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard

Joan Brugge, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in virology from Baylor College of Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Medical Center. After professorships at SUNY, Stony Brook and the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an HHMI investigator, she became the Scientific Director and Senior VP at ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. She returned to academia as Professor of Cell Biology at HMS in 1997, and was Chair of the department from 2004-2014. She became Co-Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard in 2014. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute of Cell Sciences.

The Brugge laboratory is investigating the cellular processes and pathways that are involved in normal morphogenesis of epithelial tissues as well as those involved in the initiation and progression of epithelial tumors.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, C-513B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-3974

Clonal populations of a human TNBC model display significant functional heterogeneity and divergent growth dynamics in distinct contexts.
Authors: Authors: Kuiken HJ, Dhakal S, Selfors LM, Friend CM, Zhang T, Callari M, Schackmann RCJ, Gray GK, Crowdis J, Bhang HC, Baslan T, Stegmeier F, Gygi SP, Caldas C, Brugge JS.
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Cycling cancer persister cells arise from lineages with distinct programs.
Authors: Authors: Oren Y, Tsabar M, Cuoco MS, Amir-Zilberstein L, Cabanos HF, Hütter JC, Hu B, Thakore PI, Tabaka M, Fulco CP, Colgan W, Cuevas BM, Hurvitz SA, Slamon DJ, Deik A, Pierce KA, Clish C, Hata AN, Zaganjor E, Lahav G, Politi K, Brugge JS, Regev A.
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Metabolic perturbations sensitize triple-negative breast cancers to apoptosis induced by BH3 mimetics.
Authors: Authors: Daniels VW, Zoeller JJ, van Gastel N, McQueeney KE, Parvin S, Potter DS, Fell GG, Ferreira VG, Yilma B, Gupta R, Spetz J, Bhola PD, Endress JE, Harris IS, Carrilho E, Sarosiek KA, Scadden DT, Brugge JS, Letai A.
Sci Signal
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Long-term culture, genetic manipulation and xenotransplantation of human normal and breast cancer organoids.
Authors: Authors: Dekkers JF, van Vliet EJ, Sachs N, Rosenbluth JM, Kopper O, Rebel HG, Wehrens EJ, Piani C, Visvader JE, Verissimo CS, Boj SF, Brugge JS, Clevers H, Rios AC.
Nat Protoc
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Clinical evaluation of BCL-2/XL levels pre- and post- HER2-targeted therapy.
Authors: Authors: Zoeller JJ, Press MF, Selfors LM, Dering J, Slamon DJ, Hurvitz SA, Brugge JS.
PLoS One
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Aging-Associated Alterations in Mammary Epithelia and Stroma Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing.
Authors: Authors: Li CM, Shapiro H, Tsiobikas C, Selfors LM, Chen H, Rosenbluth J, Moore K, Gupta KP, Gray GK, Oren Y, Steinbaugh MJ, Guerriero JL, Pinello L, Regev A, Brugge JS.
Cell Rep
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Large-Scale Characterization of Drug Responses of Clinically Relevant Proteins in Cancer Cell Lines.
Authors: Authors: Zhao W, Li J, Chen MM, Luo Y, Ju Z, Nesser NK, Johnson-Camacho K, Boniface CT, Lawrence Y, Pande NT, Davies MA, Herlyn M, Muranen T, Zervantonakis IK, von Euw E, Schultz A, Kumar SV, Korkut A, Spellman PT, Akbani R, Slamon DJ, Gray JW, Brugge JS, Lu Y, Mills GB, Liang H.
Cancer Cell
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3D Culture Models with CRISPR Screens Reveal Hyperactive NRF2 as a Prerequisite for Spheroid Formation via Regulation of Proliferation and Ferroptosis.
Authors: Authors: Takahashi N, Cho P, Selfors LM, Kuiken HJ, Kaul R, Fujiwara T, Harris IS, Zhang T, Gygi SP, Brugge JS.
Mol Cell
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Navitoclax enhances the effectiveness of EGFR-targeted antibody-drug conjugates in PDX models of EGFR-expressing triple-negative breast cancer.
Authors: Authors: Zoeller JJ, Vagodny A, Daniels VW, Taneja K, Tan BY, DeRose YS, Fujita M, Welm AL, Letai A, Leverson JD, Blot V, Bronson RT, Dillon DA, Brugge JS.
Breast Cancer Res
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Pathologic and molecular responses to neoadjuvant trastuzumab and/or lapatinib from a phase II randomized trial in HER2-positive breast cancer (TRIO-US B07).
Authors: Authors: Hurvitz SA, Caswell-Jin JL, McNamara KL, Zoeller JJ, Bean GR, Dichmann R, Perez A, Patel R, Zehngebot L, Allen H, Bosserman L, DiCarlo B, Kennedy A, Giuliano A, Calfa C, Molthrop D, Mani A, Chen HW, Dering J, Adams B, Kotler E, Press MF, Brugge JS, Curtis C, Slamon DJ.
Nat Commun
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