Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard

Joan Brugge, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in virology from Baylor College of Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Medical Center. After professorships at SUNY, Stony Brook and the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an HHMI investigator, she became the Scientific Director and Senior VP at ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. She returned to academia as Professor of Cell Biology at HMS in 1997, and was Chair of the department from 2004-2014. She became Co-Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard in 2014. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute of Cell Sciences.

The Brugge laboratory is investigating the cellular processes and pathways that are involved in normal morphogenesis of epithelial tissues as well as those involved in the initiation and progression of epithelial tumors.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, C-513B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-3974

Transient commensal clonal interactions can drive tumor metastasis.
Authors: Authors: Naffar-Abu Amara S, Kuiken HJ, Selfors LM, Butler T, Leung ML, Leung CT, Kuhn EP, Kolarova T, Hage C, Ganesh K, Panayiotou R, Foster R, Rueda BR, Aktipis A, Spellman P, Ince TA, Xiu J, Oberley M, Gatalica Z, Navin N, Mills GB, Bronson RT, Brugge JS.
Nat Commun
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Fibroblast-tumor cell signaling limits HER2 kinase therapy response via activation of MTOR and antiapoptotic pathways.
Authors: Authors: Zervantonakis IK, Poskus MD, Scott AL, Selfors LM, Lin JR, Dillon DA, Pathania S, Sorger PK, Mills GB, Brugge JS.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Synthetic Lethal and Resistance Interactions with BET Bromodomain Inhibitors in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
Authors: Authors: Shu S, Wu HJ, Ge JY, Zeid R, Harris IS, Jovanovic B, Murphy K, Wang B, Qiu X, Endress JE, Reyes J, Lim K, Font-Tello A, Syamala S, Xiao T, Reddy Chilamakuri CS, Papachristou EK, D'Santos C, Anand J, Hinohara K, Li W, McDonald TO, Luoma A, Modiste RJ, Nguyen QD, Michel B, Cejas P, Kadoch C, Jaffe JD, Wucherpfennig KW, Qi J, Liu XS, Long H, Brown M, Carroll JS, Brugge JS, Bradner J, Michor F, Polyak K.
Mol Cell
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Organoid cultures from normal and cancer-prone human breast tissues preserve complex epithelial lineages.
Authors: Authors: Rosenbluth JM, Schackmann RCJ, Gray GK, Selfors LM, Li CM, Boedicker M, Kuiken HJ, Richardson A, Brock J, Garber J, Dillon D, Sachs N, Clevers H, Brugge JS.
Nat Commun
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United They Stand, Divided They Fall.
Authors: Authors: Harris IS, Brugge JS.
Cell Metab
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Critical questions in ovarian cancer research and treatment: Report of an American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference.
Authors: Authors: Bast RC, Matulonis UA, Sood AK, Ahmed AA, Amobi AE, Balkwill FR, Wielgos-Bonvallet M, Bowtell DDL, Brenton JD, Brugge JS, Coleman RL, Draetta GF, Doberstein K, Drapkin RI, Eckert MA, Edwards RP, Elias KM, Ennis D, Futreal A, Gershenson DM, Greenberg RA, Huntsman DG, Ji JXY, Kohn EC, Iavarone C, Lengyel ER, Levine DA, Lord CJ, Lu Z, Mills GB, Modugno F, Nelson BH, Odunsi K, Pilsworth JA, Rottapel RK, Powell DJ, Shen L, Shih IM, Spriggs DR, Walton J, Zhang K, Zhang R, Zou L.
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Role for polo-like kinase 4 in mediation of cytokinesis.
Authors: Authors: Press MF, Xie B, Davenport S, Zhou Y, Guzman R, Nolan GP, O'Brien N, Palazzolo M, Mak TW, Brugge JS, Slamon DJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Neutralization of BCL-2/XL Enhances the Cytotoxicity of T-DM1 In Vivo.
Authors: Authors: Zoeller JJ, Vagodny A, Taneja K, Tan BY, O'Brien N, Slamon DJ, Sampath D, Leverson JD, Bronson RT, Dillon DA, Brugge JS.
Mol Cancer Ther
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Deubiquitinases Maintain Protein Homeostasis and Survival of Cancer Cells upon Glutathione Depletion.
Authors: Authors: Harris IS, Endress JE, Coloff JL, Selfors LM, McBrayer SK, Rosenbluth JM, Takahashi N, Dhakal S, Koduri V, Oser MG, Schauer NJ, Doherty LM, Hong AL, Kang YP, Younger ST, Doench JG, Hahn WC, Buhrlage SJ, DeNicola GM, Kaelin WG, Brugge JS.
Cell Metab
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Combined MEK and BCL-2/XL Inhibition Is Effective in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Patient-Derived Xenograft Models and BIM Levels Are Predictive of Responsiveness.
Authors: Authors: Iavarone C, Zervantonakis IK, Selfors LM, Palakurthi S, Liu JF, Drapkin R, Matulonis UA, Hallberg D, Velculescu VE, Leverson JD, Sampath D, Mills GB, Brugge JS.
Mol Cancer Ther
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