Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard

Joan Brugge, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in virology from Baylor College of Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Medical Center. After professorships at SUNY, Stony Brook and the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an HHMI investigator, she became the Scientific Director and Senior VP at ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. She returned to academia as Professor of Cell Biology at HMS in 1997, and was Chair of the department from 2004-2014. She became Co-Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard in 2014. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute of Cell Sciences.

The Brugge laboratory is investigating the cellular processes and pathways that are involved in normal morphogenesis of epithelial tissues as well as those involved in the initiation and progression of epithelial tumors.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, C-513B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-3974

Cytokinesis involves a nontranscriptional function of the Hippo pathway effector YAP.
Authors: Authors: Bui DA, Lee W, White AE, Harper JW, Schackmann RC, Overholtzer M, Selfors LM, Brugge JS.
Sci Signal
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Moving Closer To Victory.
Authors: Authors: Muranen T, Brugge JS.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol
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Cancer: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Authors: Authors: Harris IS, Brugge JS.
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Characterization of twenty-five ovarian tumour cell lines that phenocopy primary tumours.
Authors: Authors: Ince TA, Sousa AD, Jones MA, Harrell JC, Agoston ES, Krohn M, Selfors LM, Liu W, Chen K, Yong M, Buchwald P, Wang B, Hale KS, Cohick E, Sergent P, Witt A, Kozhekbaeva Z, Gao S, Agoston AT, Merritt MA, Foster R, Rueda BR, Crum CP, Brugge JS, Mills GB.
Nat Commun
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Signal transduction in cancer.
Authors: Authors: Sever R, Brugge JS.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med
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Correction: Mapping the dynamics of force transduction at cell-cell junctions of epithelial clusters.
Authors: Authors: Ng MR, Besser A, Brugge JS, Danuser G.
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Mapping the dynamics of force transduction at cell-cell junctions of epithelial clusters.
Authors: Authors: Ng MR, Besser A, Brugge JS, Danuser G.
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Live free or die: cell-cell adhesion regulates sensitivity to trail-induced apoptosis.
Authors: Authors: Gallegos LL, Brugge JS.
Dev Cell
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Oncogene-like induction of cellular invasion from centrosome amplification.
Authors: Authors: Godinho SA, Picone R, Burute M, Dagher R, Su Y, Leung CT, Polyak K, Brugge JS, Théry M, Pellman D.
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Mesenchymal gene program-expressing ovarian cancer spheroids exhibit enhanced mesothelial clearance.
Authors: Authors: Davidowitz RA, Selfors LM, Iwanicki MP, Elias KM, Karst A, Piao H, Ince TA, Drage MG, Dering J, Konecny GE, Matulonis U, Mills GB, Slamon DJ, Drapkin R, Brugge JS.
J Clin Invest
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