Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard

Joan Brugge, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in virology from Baylor College of Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Medical Center. After professorships at SUNY, Stony Brook and the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an HHMI investigator, she became the Scientific Director and Senior VP at ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. She returned to academia as Professor of Cell Biology at HMS in 1997, and was Chair of the department from 2004-2014. She became Co-Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard in 2014. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute of Cell Sciences.

The Brugge laboratory is investigating the cellular processes and pathways that are involved in normal morphogenesis of epithelial tissues as well as those involved in the initiation and progression of epithelial tumors.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, C-513B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-3974

The role of apoptosis in creating and maintaining luminal space within normal and oncogene-expressing mammary acini.
Authors: Authors: Debnath J, Mills KR, Collins NL, Reginato MJ, Muthuswamy SK, Brugge JS.
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Direct phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase by c-Src: evidence using a modified nucleotide pocket kinase and ATP analog.
Authors: Authors: Chaudhary A, Brugge JS, Cooper JA.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
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Coordinate interactions of Csk, Src, and Syk kinases with [alpha]IIb[beta]3 initiate integrin signaling to the cytoskeleton.
Authors: Authors: Obergfell A, Eto K, Mocsai A, Buensuceso C, Moores SL, Brugge JS, Lowell CA, Shattil SJ.
J Cell Biol
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Sensing the environment: a historical perspective on integrin signal transduction.
Authors: Authors: Miranti CK, Brugge JS.
Nat Cell Biol
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Activation of Syk protein tyrosine kinase through interaction with integrin beta cytoplasmic domains.
Authors: Authors: Woodside DG, Obergfell A, Leng L, Wilsbacher JL, Miranti CK, Brugge JS, Shattil SJ, Ginsberg MH.
Curr Biol
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ErbB2, but not ErbB1, reinitiates proliferation and induces luminal repopulation in epithelial acini.
Authors: Authors: Muthuswamy SK, Li D, Lelievre S, Bissell MJ, Brugge JS.
Nat Cell Biol
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Vav family proteins couple to diverse cell surface receptors.
Authors: Authors: Moores SL, Selfors LM, Fredericks J, Breit T, Fujikawa K, Alt FW, Brugge JS, Swat W.
Mol Cell Biol
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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulates Raf1 through Pak phosphorylation of serine 338.
Authors: Authors: Chaudhary A, King WG, Mattaliano MD, Frost JA, Diaz B, Morrison DK, Cobb MH, Marshall MS, Brugge JS.
Curr Biol
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Expression cloning of protein targets for 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides.
Authors: Authors: Rao VR, Corradetti MN, Chen J, Peng J, Yuan J, Prestwich GD, Brugge JS.
J Biol Chem
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Controlled dimerization of ErbB receptors provides evidence for differential signaling by homo- and heterodimers.
Authors: Authors: Muthuswamy SK, Gilman M, Brugge JS.
Mol Cell Biol
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