Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Joan Brugge, Ph.D.

Louise Foote Pfeiffer Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard

Joan Brugge, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in virology from Baylor College of Medicine, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Medical Center. After professorships at SUNY, Stony Brook and the University of Pennsylvania, where she was an HHMI investigator, she became the Scientific Director and Senior VP at ARIAD Pharmaceuticals. She returned to academia as Professor of Cell Biology at HMS in 1997, and was Chair of the department from 2004-2014. She became Co-Director of the Ludwig Center at Harvard in 2014. She currently sits on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute of Cell Sciences.

The Brugge laboratory is investigating the cellular processes and pathways that are involved in normal morphogenesis of epithelial tissues as well as those involved in the initiation and progression of epithelial tumors.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, C-513B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-3974

Vav family GEFs link activated Ephs to endocytosis and axon guidance.
Authors: Authors: Cowan CW, Shao YR, Sahin M, Shamah SM, Lin MZ, Greer PL, Gao S, Griffith EC, Brugge JS, Greenberg ME.
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Epidermal growth factor receptor-dependent regulation of integrin-mediated signaling and cell cycle entry in epithelial cells.
Authors: Authors: Bill HM, Knudsen B, Moores SL, Muthuswamy SK, Rao VR, Brugge JS, Miranti CK.
Mol Cell Biol
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Use of three-dimensional basement membrane cultures to model oncogene-induced changes in mammary epithelial morphogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Shaw KR, Wrobel CN, Brugge JS.
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia
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Vav GEFs are required for beta2 integrin-dependent functions of neutrophils.
Authors: Authors: Gakidis MA, Cullere X, Olson T, Wilsbacher JL, Zhang B, Moores SL, Ley K, Swat W, Mayadas T, Brugge JS.
J Cell Biol
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Discovery of new gene expression predictors for adjuvant tamoxifen outcome for breast cancer patients.
Authors: Authors: Sgroi DC, Ma XJ, Ryan P, Wang Z, Younger J, Isakoff S, Smith B, Brugge J, Baer TM, Erlander MG.
J Clin Oncol
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A cytoskeleton-based functional genetic screen identifies Bcl-xL as an enhancer of metastasis, but not primary tumor growth.
Authors: Authors: Martin SS, Ridgeway AG, Pinkas J, Lu Y, Reginato MJ, Koh EY, Michelman M, Daley GQ, Brugge JS, Leder P.
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A two-gene expression ratio predicts clinical outcome in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen.
Authors: Authors: Ma XJ, Wang Z, Ryan PD, Isakoff SJ, Barmettler A, Fuller A, Muir B, Mohapatra G, Salunga R, Tuggle JT, Tran Y, Tran D, Tassin A, Amon P, Wang W, Wang W, Enright E, Stecker K, Estepa-Sabal E, Smith B, Younger J, Balis U, Michaelson J, Bhan A, Habin K, Baer TM, Brugge J, Haber DA, Erlander MG, Sgroi DC.
Cancer Cell
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ErbB2 and TGF-beta: a cooperative role in mammary tumor progression?
Authors: Authors: Seton-Rogers SE, Brugge JS.
Cell Cycle
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Autocrine CSF-1R activation promotes Src-dependent disruption of mammary epithelial architecture.
Authors: Authors: Wrobel CN, Debnath J, Lin E, Beausoleil S, Roussel MF, Brugge JS.
J Cell Biol
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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is required for induction of autophagy during lumen formation in vitro.
Authors: Authors: Mills KR, Reginato M, Debnath J, Queenan B, Brugge JS.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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