David Van Vactor

David Van Vactor, Ph.D.

Professor of Cell Biology
Director, Biological and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (HMS)
Director, Curriculum Fellows Program (HMS)

David Van Vactor, Ph.D. is a Professor of Cell Biology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and a member of the Program in Neuroscience and the DFCI/Harvard Cancer Center. He is the Faculty Director of the HMS Curriculum Fellows program and Director/PI of Harvard’s Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Dynamics (MCD2) T32 PhD training program. He is also a Visiting Professor at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University in Japan.  Dr. Van Vactor received his B.A. in Behavioral Biology at the Johns Hopkins University and his Ph.D. from the Department of Biological Chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), before post-doctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley.

The Van Vactor Lab is focused on understanding the development, maintenance and plasticity of neuromuscular connectivity in the model organism Drosophila. The coordinated morphogenesis of the synapse, fundamental unit of cell-cell communication in neural networks, requires many layers of regulatory mechanisms.  Genome-wide enhancer/suppressor screens to define the molecular machinery controlling neuromuscular junction development (NMJ) led us to multiple translational regulators, including a number of microRNA (miR) genes. Because the fly NMJ has served so well for genetic analysis of synapse development and function in many labs, we have a sophisticated knowledge of underling pathways and gene networks, thus making this a system particularly well suited to explore upstream regulatory logic. Using conditional genetic tools to manipulate the function of conserved miRs and their target genes, we have identified several novel regulatory pathways.  In addition, through a close and long-term collaboration with the Artavanis-Tsakonas Lab, we have worked to better understand developmental and age-dependent degeneration of the neuromuscular system using a variety of models for human disease in Drosophila.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, LHRRB 314

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab telephone: 617-432-2195

Lab fax: 617-432-1144

MicroRNAs Regulate Sleep and Sleep Homeostasis in Drosophila.
Authors: Authors: Goodwin PR, Meng A, Moore J, Hobin M, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Griffith LC.
Cell Rep
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Regulation of Circadian Behavior by Astroglial MicroRNAs in Drosophila.
Authors: Authors: You S, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Jackson FR.
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Presynaptic morphogenesis, active zone organization and structural plasticity in Drosophila.
Authors: Authors: Van Vactor D, Sigrist SJ.
Curr Opin Neurobiol
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The Drosophila tricellular junction protein Gliotactin regulates its own mRNA levels through BMP-mediated induction of miR-184.
Authors: Authors: Sharifkhodaei Z, Padash-Barmchi M, Gilbert MM, Samarasekera G, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Auld VJ.
J Cell Sci
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A transgenic resource for conditional competitive inhibition of conserved Drosophila microRNAs.
Authors: Authors: Fulga TA, McNeill EM, Binari R, Yelick J, Blanche A, Booker M, Steinkraus BR, Schnall-Levin M, Zhao Y, DeLuca T, Bejarano F, Han Z, Lai EC, Wall DP, Perrimon N, Van Vactor D.
Nat Commun
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microRNAs That Promote or Inhibit Memory Formation in Drosophila melanogaster.
Authors: Authors: Busto GU, Guven-Ozkan T, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Davis RL.
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QIL1 is a novel mitochondrial protein required for MICOS complex stability and cristae morphology.
Authors: Authors: Guarani V, McNeill EM, Paulo JA, Huttlin EL, Fröhlich F, Gygi SP, Van Vactor D, Harper JW.
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MicroRNA-Dependent Transcriptional Silencing of Transposable Elements in Drosophila Follicle Cells.
Authors: Authors: Mugat B, Akkouche A, Serrano V, Armenise C, Li B, Brun C, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Pélisson A, Chambeyron S.
PLoS Genet
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Dysregulation of microRNA-219 promotes neurodegeneration through post-transcriptional regulation of tau.
Authors: Authors: Santa-Maria I, Alaniz ME, Renwick N, Cela C, Fulga TA, Van Vactor D, Tuschl T, Clark LN, Shelanski ML, McCabe BD, Crary JF.
J Clin Invest
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MicroRNA-8 promotes robust motor axon targeting by coordinate regulation of cell adhesion molecules during synapse development.
Authors: Authors: Lu CS, Zhai B, Mauss A, Landgraf M, Gygi S, Van Vactor D.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
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