Randy King receives 2022 Fariborz Maseeh Award

Headshot of Randy King

Randy King was recently selected to receive the 2022 Fariborz Maseeh Award for Innovative Medical Education.

The prize is in recognition of pioneering teaching accomplishments and contributions. It reflects Fariborz Maseeh’s vision to create an award which seeks to recognize that when researchers devote time to outstanding teaching and innovative course development, they have less time for grant writing.

The Fariborz Maseeh Award for Innovative Medical Education is named for Fariborz Maseeh, founder of the Massiah Foundation, who established this award to incentivize Harvard Medical School faculty who develop and lead innovative courses within the Harvard Medical School MD curriculum. This novel award is designed to support the faculty member’s research program and their development and teaching of courses in the MD curriculum, and to encourage dissemination of educational innovations to the broader community.