Congratulations to Dr. Min Luo, a postdoctoral fellow in the Liao lab, who recently received the 2018 Outstanding Postdoc Fellow Award for the Department of Cell Biology! This award is given out annually to a postdoc in each HMS research department by the HMS/HSDM Office of Postdoctoral Fellows. Min’s research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of lipid-embedded molecular machines, using structure-function studies. He has been involved in multiple successful research projects, including producing the first high-resolution structure of the entire mitochondrial ATP synthase embedded in lipid membranes. This work revealed the mechanism of drug binding, and Min has followed up with related studies of human ATP synthase. The hope is that Min’s studies will lead to safer and more effective tuberculosis treatments. Additionally, Min has worked on structural and mechanistic studies of non-transmembrane proteins, the Type I CRISPR-Cas system. By revealing how this system searches for its DNA targets, Min’s work will contribute to more efficient and accurate applications of the CRISPR system.