Tom Rapoport

Tom Rapoport, Ph.D.

Don W. Fawcett Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)
HHMI Investigator

Tom Rapoport, Ph.D., joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School in 1995. He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Humboldt University in East-Berlin for work in enzymology. He then focused on mathematical modeling of metabolism, for which he received his second degree (Habilitation) from the same institution. Before moving to the US, he worked at the Central Institute of Molecular Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR and later at the Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin-Buch. In 1997, he became a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.

The Rapoport Lab is interested in the mechanisms by which proteins are transported across membranes, how misfolded proteins are degraded, and how organelles form and maintain their characteristic shapes. Most of the projects center around the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). One project concerns the molecular mechanism by which proteins are translocated across the ER membrane or across the plasma membrane in bacteria and archaea. Much of the current work deals with ERAD (ER-associated protein degradation), a process in which misfolded proteins are retro-translocated across the ER membrane into the cytosol. Major questions concern the mechanism by which proteins move across the membrane and are extracted by the Cdc48 ATPase. Another project concerns the mechanism by which ER morphology, specifically the tubular ER network, is generated. More recently, the Rapoport lab has started to study how proteins are imported into peroxisomes, and how lung surfactant proteins generate lamellar bodies. The lab employs a variety of different techniques, including biochemical methods, such as reconstitutions with purified proteins, and structural biology methods, including X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, LHRRB 401

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-1612

Fusion of the endoplasmic reticulum by membrane-bound GTPases.
Authors: Authors: Hu J, Rapoport TA.
Semin Cell Dev Biol
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Cooperation of the ER-shaping proteins atlastin, lunapark, and reticulons to generate a tubular membrane network.
Authors: Authors: Wang S, Tukachinsky H, Romano FB, Rapoport TA.
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Autoubiquitination of the Hrd1 Ligase Triggers Protein Retrotranslocation in ERAD.
Authors: Authors: Baldridge RD, Rapoport TA.
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Crystal structure of a substrate-engaged SecY protein-translocation channel.
Authors: Authors: Li L, Park E, Ling J, Ingram J, Ploegh H, Rapoport TA.
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Data publication with the structural biology data grid supports live analysis.
Authors: Authors: Meyer PA, Socias S, Key J, Ransey E, Tjon EC, Buschiazzo A, Lei M, Botka C, Withrow J, Neau D, Rajashankar K, Anderson KS, Baxter RH, Blacklow SC, Boggon TJ, Bonvin AM, Borek D, Brett TJ, Caflisch A, Chang CI, Chazin WJ, Corbett KD, Cosgrove MS, Crosson S, Dhe-Paganon S, Di Cera E, Drennan CL, Eck MJ, Eichman BF, Fan QR, Ferré-D'Amaré AR, Fromme JC, Garcia KC, Gaudet R, Gong P, Harrison SC, Heldwein EE, Jia Z, Keenan RJ, Kruse AC, Kvansakul M, McLellan JS, Modis Y, Nam Y, Otwinowski Z, Pai EF, Pereira PJ, Petosa C, Raman CS, Rapoport TA, Roll-Mecak A, Rosen MK, Rudenko G, Schlessinger J, Schwartz TU, Shamoo Y, Sondermann H, Tao YJ, Tolia NH, Tsodikov OV, Westover KD, Wu H, Foster I, Fraser JS, Maia FR, Gonen T, Kirchhausen T, Diederichs K, Crosas M, Sliz P.
Nat Commun
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Mechanism of a cytosolic O-glycosyltransferase essential for the synthesis of a bacterial adhesion protein.
Authors: Authors: Chen Y, Seepersaud R, Bensing BA, Sullam PM, Rapoport TA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Structures of the double-ring AAA ATPase Pex1-Pex6 involved in peroxisome biogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Tan D, Blok NB, Rapoport TA, Walz T.
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Involvement of VAT-1 in Phosphatidylserine Transfer from the Endoplasmic Reticulum to Mitochondria.
Authors: Authors: Junker M, Rapoport TA.
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Unique double-ring structure of the peroxisomal Pex1/Pex6 ATPase complex revealed by cryo-electron microscopy.
Authors: Authors: Blok NB, Tan D, Wang RY, Penczek PA, Baker D, DiMaio F, Rapoport TA, Walz T.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Conformational Changes of the Clamp of the Protein Translocation ATPase SecA.
Authors: Authors: Chen Y, Bauer BW, Rapoport TA, Gumbart JC.
J Mol Biol
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