Radhika Subramanian

Radhika Subramanian, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Genetics, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Molecular Biologist (MGH)
Affiliate Member of Cell Biology

Radhika received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Brandeis University. She then performed postdoctoral work at the Rockefeller University. She joined the faculty of the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in October 2014.

The Subramanian Lab is interested in how micron-length scale structures that are critical for cellular signaling emerge from the collective activity of nanometer-sized proteins. We address this question in the context of microtubule organization for (1) cell division and (2) cilium-dependent Hedgehog signal transduction. We primarily use a reconstitution-based approach and ‘reconstruct’ sub-reactions of these cellular pathways in vitro from purified components. We aim to decipher the fundamental rules that govern the spatial-temporal organization of cellular machines and organelles, such as the spindle and the cilium, through this approach. We employ a wide range of experimental techniques, integrating information from cutting-edge single-molecule methods, high-resolution microscopy, structural tools, and biochemical and cellular read-outs. Through these studies, our goal is to understand the cellular mechanisms relevant to developmental disorders and human cancers.

Simches Research Center

Massachusetts General Hospital

185 Cambridge St. CPZN-7600

Boston, MA 02114

Cytoskeleton crosstalk: Casting stable actin bundles with dynamic microtubule molds.
Authors: Authors: Haque F, Subramanian R.
Curr Biol
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Interplay of self-organization of microtubule asters and crosslinking protein condensates.
Authors: Authors: Sahu S, Chauhan P, Lumen E, Moody K, Peddireddy K, Mani N, Subramanian R, Robertson-Anderson R, Wolfe AJ, Ross JL.
PNAS Nexus
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GRK2 Kinases in the Primary Cilium Initiate SMOOTHENED-PKA Signaling in the Hedgehog Cascade.
Authors: Authors: Walker MF, Zhang J, Steiner W, Ku PI, Zhu JF, Michaelson Z, Yen YC, Long AB, Casey MJ, Poddar A, Nelson IB, Arveseth CD, Nagel F, Clough R, LaPotin S, Kwan KM, Schulz S, Stewart RA, Tesmer JJG, Caspary T, Subramanian R, Ge X, Myers BR.
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Correction: Real-Time Visualization of Microtubule and Protofilament-Scale Dynamics in Multi-Microtubule Arrays by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Authors: Authors: Wijeratne SS, Subramanian R.
Curr Protoc
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Real-Time Visualization of Microtubule and Protofilament-Scale Dynamics in Multi-Microtubule Arrays by Atomic Force Microscopy.
Authors: Authors: Wijeratne SS, Subramanian R.
Curr Protoc
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Motor guidance by long-range communication on the microtubule highway.
Authors: Authors: Wijeratne SS, Fiorenza SA, Neary AE, Subramanian R, Betterton MD.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Cytoskeletal regulation of a transcription factor by DNA mimicry via coiled-coil interactions.
Authors: Authors: Haque F, Freniere C, Ye Q, Mani N, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Ku PI, Milligan RA, Subramanian R.
Nat Cell Biol
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Engineering stability, longevity, and miscibility of microtubule-based active fluids.
Authors: Authors: Chandrakar P, Berezney J, Lemma B, Hishamunda B, Berry A, Wu KT, Subramanian R, Chung J, Needleman D, Gelles J, Dogic Z.
Soft Matter
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Simultaneous Visualization of the Dynamics of Crosslinked and Single Microtubules In Vitro by TIRF Microscopy.
Authors: Authors: Mani N, Marchan MF, Subramanian R.
J Vis Exp
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Atomic force microscopy reveals distinct protofilament-scale structural dynamics in depolymerizing microtubule arrays.
Authors: Authors: Wijeratne SS, Marchan MF, Tresback JS, Subramanian R.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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