John Flanagan

John Flanagan, Ph.D.

Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)

John Flanagan, Ph.D., did his undergraduate training at the University of Oxford in biochemistry and his graduate training at the University of Cambridge, UK in molecular biology. His postdoctoral training was at Harvard Medical School in the Genetics department, focused on cell-cell signaling, after which he joined the Department of Cell Biology as a faculty member.

The Flanagan lab studies how cell-cell signaling molecules set up spatial pattern, particularly in the development and regeneration of connections in the nervous system.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, LHRRB 601B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab Phone: 617-432-4096

Lab Fax: 617-432-7285

Optical origins of opposing facial expression actions.
Authors: Authors: Lee DH, Mirza R, Flanagan JG, Anderson AK.
Psychol Sci
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Clinical significance of optic disc progression by topographic change analysis maps in glaucoma: an 8-year follow-up study.
Authors: Authors: Kourkoutas D, Buys YM, Flanagan JG, Karamaounas N, Georgopoulos G, Iliakis E, Moschos MM, Trope GE.
J Ophthalmol
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MicroRNA-132 is enriched in developing axons, locally regulates Rasa1 mRNA, and promotes axon extension.
Authors: Authors: Hancock ML, Preitner N, Quan J, Flanagan JG.
J Neurosci
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The effect of simulated cataract light scatter on retinal vessel oximetry.
Authors: Authors: Patel SR, Hudson C, Flanagan JG, Heitmar R.
Exp Eye Res
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A prototype hyperspectral system with a tunable laser source for retinal vessel imaging.
Authors: Authors: Patel SR, Flanagan JG, Shahidi AM, Sylvestre JP, Hudson C.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
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Regional variation in human retinal vessel oxygen saturation.
Authors: Authors: Shahidi AM, Patel SR, Flanagan JG, Hudson C.
Exp Eye Res
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This message will self-destruct: NMD regulates axon guidance.
Authors: Authors: Preitner N, Quan J, Flanagan JG.
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Validation of cryo-EM structure of IP3R1 channel.
Authors: Authors: Murray SC, Flanagan J, Popova OB, Chiu W, Ludtke SJ, Serysheva II.
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Human lamina cribrosa insertion and age.
Authors: Authors: Sigal IA, Flanagan JG, Lathrop KL, Tertinegg I, Bilonick R.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
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Proteomics analyses of activated human optic nerve head lamina cribrosa cells following biomechanical strain.
Authors: Authors: Rogers R, Dharsee M, Ackloo S, Flanagan JG.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
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