John Flanagan

John Flanagan, Ph.D.

Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)

John Flanagan, Ph.D., did his undergraduate training at the University of Oxford in biochemistry and his graduate training at the University of Cambridge, UK in molecular biology. His postdoctoral training was at Harvard Medical School in the Genetics department, focused on cell-cell signaling, after which he joined the Department of Cell Biology as a faculty member.

The Flanagan lab studies how cell-cell signaling molecules set up spatial pattern, particularly in the development and regeneration of connections in the nervous system.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, LHRRB 601B

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab Phone: 617-432-4096

Lab Fax: 617-432-7285

The effect of obesity and subsequent weight reduction on cardiac morphology and function in cats.
Authors: Authors: Partington C, Hodgkiss-Geere H, Woods GRT, Dukes-McEwan J, Flanagan J, Biourge V, German AJ.
BMC Vet Res
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Dysregulation of neuroprotective lipoxin pathway in astrocytes in response to cytokines and ocular hypertension?.
Authors: Authors: Karnam S, Maurya S, Ng E, Choudhary A, Thobani A, Flanagan JG, Gronert K.
Acta Neuropathol Commun
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Regulation of Diseases-Associated Microglia in the Optic Nerve by Lipoxin B4 and Ocular Hypertension.
Authors: Authors: Maurya S, Lin M, Karnam S, Singh T, Kumar M, Ward E, Flanagan JG, Gronert K.
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Protective Effects of Lipoxin A4 and B4 Signaling on the Inner Retina in a Mouse Model of Experimental Glaucoma.
Authors: Authors: Liu HH, Cullen PF, Sivak JM, Gronert K, Flanagan JG.
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Control of Selective mRNA Translation in Neuronal Subcellular Compartments in Health and Disease.
Authors: Authors: Cagnetta R, Flanagan JG, Sonenberg N.
J Neurosci
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Dysregulation of Neuroprotective Lipoxin Pathway in Astrocytes in Response to Cytokines and Ocular Hypertension.
Authors: Authors: Karnam S, Maurya S, Ng E, Choudhary A, Thobani A, Flanagan JG, Gronert K.
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Rapid isolation of intact retinal astrocytes: a novel approach.
Authors: Authors: Cullen PF, Mazumder AG, Sun D, Flanagan JG.
Acta Neuropathol Commun
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Evidence of an Annexin A4 mediated plasma membrane repair response to biomechanical strain associated with glaucoma pathogenesis.
Authors: Authors: Vicic N, Guo X, Chan D, Flanagan JG, Sigal IA, Sivak JM.
J Cell Physiol
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Solving neurodegeneration: common mechanisms and strategies for new treatments.
Authors: Authors: Wareham LK, Liddelow SA, Temple S, Benowitz LI, Di Polo A, Wellington C, Goldberg JL, He Z, Duan X, Bu G, Davis AA, Shekhar K, Torre A, Chan DC, Canto-Soler MV, Flanagan JG, Subramanian P, Rossi S, Brunner T, Bovenkamp DE, Calkins DJ.
Mol Neurodegener
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Advanced Integrated Science Courses: Building a Skill Set to Engage With the Interface of Research and Medicine.
Authors: Authors: Miloslavsky EM, Besche HC, Calderwood SB, Chang BS, Dienstag JL, King RW, Mitchell RN, Schwartzstein RM, Thomas H, Hundert EM, Flanagan JG.
Acad Med
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