Adrian Salic

Adrian Salic, Ph.D.

Professor of Cell Biology (HMS)

Adrian Salic, Ph.D. was appointed Assistant Professor of Cell Biology in 2005, after completing his postdoctoral research in the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. He received his PhD from Harvard University in 2000. His development of novel tools to detect DNA and RNA synthesis resulted in the creation of the commerically-available "Click-iT" EdU and EU kits that are now widely used by labs around the world.

The Salic lab studies biochemical and cellular mechanisms involved in signal transduction through the Hedgehog signaling pathway. We also develop and apply new chemical technologies to study the cell biology of lipids.

Harvard Medical School

Dept. of Cell Biology, LHRRB 401A

240 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Lab phone: 617-432-6341

The roles of APC and Axin derived from experimental and theoretical analysis of the Wnt pathway.
Authors: Authors: Lee E, Salic A, Krüger R, Heinrich R, Kirschner MW.
PLoS Biol
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Anteroposterior patterning in hemichordates and the origins of the chordate nervous system.
Authors: Authors: Lowe CJ, Wu M, Salic A, Evans L, Lander E, Stange-Thomann N, Gruber CE, Gerhart J, Kirschner M.
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A novel set of Wnt-Frizzled fusion proteins identifies receptor components that activate beta -catenin-dependent signaling.
Authors: Authors: Holmen SL, Salic A, Zylstra CR, Kirschner MW, Williams BO.
J Biol Chem
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A novel centrosome-associated protein with affinity for microtubules.
Authors: Authors: Stein PA, Toret CP, Salic AN, Rolls MM, Rapoport TA.
J Cell Sci
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Physiological regulation of [beta]-catenin stability by Tcf3 and CK1epsilon.
Authors: Authors: Lee E, Salic A, Kirschner MW.
J Cell Biol
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Inhibition of Cdh1-APC by the MAD2-related protein MAD2L2: a novel mechanism for regulating Cdh1.
Authors: Authors: Pfleger CM, Salic A, Lee E, Kirschner MW.
Genes Dev
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HIFalpha targeted for VHL-mediated destruction by proline hydroxylation: implications for O2 sensing.
Authors: Authors: Ivan M, Kondo K, Yang H, Kim W, Valiando J, Ohh M, Salic A, Asara JM, Lane WS, Kaelin WG.
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Control of beta-catenin stability: reconstitution of the cytoplasmic steps of the wnt pathway in Xenopus egg extracts.
Authors: Authors: Salic A, Lee E, Mayer L, Kirschner MW.
Mol Cell
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Geminin, a neuralizing molecule that demarcates the future neural plate at the onset of gastrulation.
Authors: Authors: Kroll KL, Salic AN, Evans LM, Kirschner MW.
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Sizzled: a secreted Xwnt8 antagonist expressed in the ventral marginal zone of Xenopus embryos.
Authors: Authors: Salic AN, Kroll KL, Evans LM, Kirschner MW.
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